André Nouyrit

Painter in Occitanie

André Nouyrit, artiste peintre
André Nouyrit, artiste peintre


at «La Grange»
from 1 August to 15 September 2024

La Dépêche du Lot août 2024
La Dépêche du Lot août 2024

Discover all the canvases and acrylics by clicking on "my creations"

Roots, a pictorial exploration of hidden powers

The dry stone sculptures by the artist "Presences" have inspired this series of paintings dedicated to the theme of roots. These structures, rooted in the soil of artist André Nouyrit's field, evolve and stabilize over time, sometimes leaning, sometimes broken under the formidable thrust of the roots they harbor.

Captivated by this dynamic tension between protection and destruction, the artist was enthralled by the disturbing and powerful imagery of the roots. They invaded his mind, seeping into his very core. Secretive and elusive, they open up to the universe and imprint themselves within him, creating a vibrant breath that both binds and releases.

On the canvas, the twisted roots spring to life, undergoing a slow and mesmerizing evolution. The viewer's gaze is invited to wander through their complex entanglement, becoming lost in their winding paths. The earth cracks, revealing their desperate shapes, like a Kafkaesque world transforming before our astonished eyes.

Each painting becomes a window onto an underground and mysterious universe, a teeming microcosm of life and invisible forces. These roots, both fragile and powerful, connect the artist and the viewer to the nurturing earth, in a visceral bond with the primal sources of existence.

Beyond their purely aesthetic aspect, these works beckon us to explore the hidden forces that surround us, shaping our world in often unexpected ways. They remind us of the omnipresence of these subterranean networks, these vital systems that maintain the fragile balance of nature.

By delving our gaze into the troubling depths of these pictorial roots, we are invited to a broader contemplation of our place in the ecosystem, our relationship with the fundamental elements that compose us and bind us to Mother Earth. An invitation to reconnect with the forces that animate our world, in all their complexity and mystery.

For more information, contact André Nouyrit.

extrait d'une peinture sur le thème des racines en bleue avec comme un soleil jaune
extrait d'une peinture sur le thème des racines en bleue avec comme un soleil jaune

Retrouvez toutes les toiles et les acryliques en cliquant sur "mes créations"

Roots, a Pictorial Exploration of Hidden Forces

The dry stone sculptures by the artist "Presences" have inspired this series of paintings dedicated to the theme of roots. These structures, rooted in the soil of artist André Nouyrit's field, evolve and stabilize over time, sometimes leaning, sometimes broken under the formidable thrust of the roots they harbor.

Captivated by this dynamic tension between protection and destruction, the artist was enthralled by the disturbing and powerful imagery of the roots. They invaded his mind, seeping into his very core. Secretive and elusive, they open up to the universe and imprint themselves within him, creating a vibrant breath that both binds and releases.

On the canvas, the twisted roots spring to life, undergoing a slow and mesmerizing evolution. The viewer's gaze is invited to wander through their complex entanglement, becoming lost in their winding paths. The earth cracks, revealing their desperate shapes, like a Kafkaesque world transforming before our astonished eyes.

Each painting becomes a window onto an underground and mysterious universe, a teeming microcosm of life and invisible forces. These roots, both fragile and powerful, connect the artist and the viewer to the nurturing earth, in a visceral bond with the primal sources of existence.

Beyond their purely aesthetic aspect, these works beckon us to explore the hidden forces that surround us, shaping our world in often unexpected ways. They remind us of the omnipresence of these subterranean networks, these vital systems that maintain the fragile balance of nature.

By delving our gaze into the troubling depths of these pictorial roots, we are invited to a broader contemplation of our place in the ecosystem, our relationship with the fundamental elements that compose us and bind us to Mother Earth. An invitation to reconnect with the forces that animate our world, in all their complexity and mystery.

For more information, contact André Nouyrit.

“Deep roots never freeze”

- Swedish Proverb -

atelier d'andré nouyrit en occitanie
atelier d'andré nouyrit en occitanie

Come see the sculptures in the meadow!

André Nouyrit devant ses créations de pierresAndré Nouyrit devant ses créations de pierres